sashybih Member


  • Sure…I agree with you that many people don’t count or over count calories like you said. However, there is a good research that links properties of diet drinks with raising appetites through for example raising hormonal levels (insulin) – see links above. When insulin is up, you are feeling hungrier and tend to consume…
  • Wow…Your story is amazing, and I know people who are strong-willed and accomplish weight loss. While important, genetics is not the only thing that plays the role, but also physiological profile (strong-will) etc. However, it is not a secret that tiny minority of people sustain long-term weight loss by doing strict calorie…
  • I admire your exercising and eating habits and strict self-control. It seems you are personally in good shape and blessed so nothing to worry and congratulations! I’m just talking about majority of people (not exceptions), who trick themselves believing that Diet (Coke) is helping them to lose/preserve weight or be on some…
  • There are studies have been conducted with people not only animals. Here is just a sample… 1. The artificial sweetener sucralose (Splenda®) is capable of changing the body's insulin response, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine reported in the journal Diabetes Care. This is human study. 2. Sucralose…
  • Overall, I agree with the original explanation of very little to no proof that aspartame causes cancer. There are far worse things around us that are making people sick. That is not my worry about it. What I think this article is missing is a big point that aspartame affects insulin levels as much as sugar, and causes…