mariephenryrees Member


  • Congratulations on your great progress so far. As a person who has spent her lifetime going up and down and then up again on the scale, I know how hard it is and how important it is to make a commitment and have support around you to encourage you on. I have gained back 28 pounds of the 45 pounds I lost during 2019 and…
  • I have enjoyed reading all the posts and all the good suggestions. One size truly does not fit all but we can learn from hearing that our struggles are not unique, but shared. As a life-time dieter with weight swings up and down most of my life, it is hard to be optimistic that this time I will be successful in keeping off…
  • Still haven't lost the 8 pounds I gained last fall and through the winter holidays so that is my first mini goal and hopefully when I accomplish that I can continue with 5 pound loss goals until I get to what would be considered a 'normal weight' (not overweight or obese.) Spent too much of my adult life in the latter…