cc_atlants Member


  • Congrats! We may be expecting our first soon! Three days late on my period. :) Wish you the best of luck on your journey! We can do this!
  • Yes. Still addicted to nicotine, but otherwise I used to be addicted to drugs in general. It's kind of odd because you usually only hear stories of people getting addicted to one particular substance at a time. So long as I was high or rolling or tripping or drunk, I was fine. It wasn't one particular drug. The boredom of…
  • I'm just coming back from this! Was 150 pounds 2 years ago and got down to 130. Kept it off for almost a year and felt sooo good about myself. Got with a man who was a bit of a "chubby chaser" and so I've just been like, "*kitten* it, he'll love me anyway!" And ate my heart out for about the last year... was back to 150 as…