rioguy Member


  • That is not at all true. There are numerous scientific studies showing steady-state cardio at moderate intensity does not work if your goal is solely fat loss. The author of the topic is 39yo, stay-at-home mom with a desk job and thyroid issues -- so for her case, walking is much better than jogging. Yes, jogging 5 miles…
  • You are being honest with yourself. No diet will last if you cannot sustain it. I don't know what your diet looks like, but you should try eating for nutritional needs not just caloric needs. If you are hungry, you may be seriously lacking something your body needs. Besides the main macros, your body wants the nutrients…
  • Good grief, these responses are so sad (i.e. "get frozen prepared meals for a week that have accurate calorie counts and see what happens") that I could not help myself to respond. I don't understand why so many people think it is just a matter of calories-in/calories-out!!! The human body simply does not work like that --…
  • Do you or someone you know have a young baby....Would you give them DIET COKE??.... WHY NOT?! Do you see animals in nature drinking Diet Coke?..... WHY NOT?! If you have a dog and/or cat, would you give them Diet Coke?.... WHY NOT?! These are "chemical" ingredients of Diet Coke: Carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame,…