martin6609 Member


  • How do i make it so this is easier to find.... I m fairly new to this. Is there. a way to recieve notification of comments or easier too find ... sorry I'm off behind lol
  • 5'8 and 130 falls under normal bmi for a female .. and a few times I have lost my cool for real. At times it took everything I had to keep from saying mean things that I think aloud. I already lack filter. But yes, in one instance.... the F bomb came out! Thanks for all the positive insight :)
  • And I agree, my circle of friends has changed a lot. My priorities are waaaayyy different. This is such a wonderful place to vent and get insight. thank u all so much for your posts it is greatly appreciated. :)
  • Negative as in... one was "wow ur so thin, like a skeleton hahaha Just in time for halloween". And your right I do have a tendency to be super sensitive... and from close friends constructive criticism is welcomed but when u hear it ever all times in a day it's disheartening. To ppl tht are just meeting me they don't think…