oat_bran Member


  • Great, thanks! I knew there must be a term for this! Though I though it's something more simple.
  • Thank you! Yes, Happy Scale seems to do what Libra does.
  • Yeah, I was thinking somewhere around 20%. Thanks for your replies !
  • I have a similar problem. I don't sleep well in general and sleeping when hungry is practically impossible for me. So I tend to wake up once or twice during the night and often feel very hard to fall back asleep without eating something. Things that could help you: -check that your deficit isn't too aggressive. If you are…
  • Thank you for sharing your experience! The fact that it passed in your case gives me hope. I also think that habit does play a role, so yes stabilising eating patterns should help. I also think that maybe I should start trying more to do something about my sleep first.
  • Wait, what is T2? It doesn't sound like you're talking about the thyroid hormone... What should I insist my doctor check me for? EDIT: Are you talking about type 2 diabetes? hmmm I really don't seem to be in a risk group, from what I understand. I'm barely overweight (and that's a very recent thing 'çause by the hunger not…
  • Wow, thanks so much for helping me with the math ! The link you gave is really helpful because it seems to take the exercise intensity into account somehow. The lower the intensity, the higher the EA it seems. So since most of the exercise I do is lower intensity, I can get away with eating slightly less than with the same…
  • Yeah, I'm not sure either how people maintain a high deficit for so long. I know it's supposed to be easier when you have a higher BMI, so an obese person would be able to maintain a 500-1000 deficit much easier than a slightly overweight/normal weight person would. But still. From what I understand a 250 deficit is…
  • Thanks! Yeah, in that case my sedentary TDEE is roughly 1650. So I can calculate my exercise calories from there then. However there's something that doesn't add up here. My yesterday's TDEE (according to my fitbit) is 2150. If my sedentary TDEE is 1650, then my exercise calories are 500. So how much would I need to eat to…
  • Yeah, I've lost my period due to undereating in the past, I don't want it to happen again. Another reason for me "complicating things" in this way is that I've been struggling with an excessive hunger/hunger-like sensation for quite a while now (medically unexplained so far) and if I want to try and still lose weight by…
  • My RMR is 1550 according to an online calculator which seems to correspond to my sedentary TDEE. If so, then yes, my EA calculations are correct.
  • Hmm, this is interesting. Yeah, in my case it isn't just at night. It's most of the time... it subsides a little after meals and then 1-2hours after a meal it's back. It's really frustrating because I can feel that there's still food in my stomach, and yet I feel this hollow gnawing sensation which one usually feels when…
  • I have a friend who does that! And it blows my mind, too, to be honest, because I can never fall asleep with even the slightest noise or light. On a side note, it's crazy how something seemingly unrelated to weight or food can make weight loss so much harder. I honestly believe that I'd be in a completely different…
  • So jealous! I wish I knew how not to do the whole thinking in bed thing! Somehow, my brain wants to do all the thinking and reflecting on my life choices when I'm in bed! :D This is why I need to create soothing scenarios in my head to distract me from actual thinking. If I wake up during the night the same thing can…
  • No worries. I realize this is the most obvious conclusion one's mind always jumps to. But yeah, excessive deficit is definitely not the root of the problem unfortunately.
  • Yeah, I've been actually thinking to ask my doctor to check for this. I've had gastritis as a teenager but it was gone by the time I was 19 or so. And I haven't had any pains since, aside from an occasional ingestion. The hunger pains I'm talking about are almost painful but not quite. However the fact that they often come…
  • Yeah, part of the reason why I get up at night is to pee, too. This is why drinking herbal tea and such to curb the hunger before bed is not a very good idea... But yeah, I do all of those things, I take magnesium, exercise a lot and usually in the evening, have my dinner around 9-10pm, often followed by a snack right…
  • I remember I used to make batches and barches of sf jello for this exact purpose... The problem with these tiny snacks is that if they "work" it's usually just for 15-20 mins or so which isn't enough to make me fall asleep... Thanks for the tip anyway.
  • You have no idea how jealous I am of you! I don't think I ever "dozed off" in my life past the age of 5 without actually trying to fall asleep. And it only takes you 5 minutes? Wow... I have to create eleborate scenarios in my head to distract myself from the fact that I am actually trying to fall asleep and it can take a…
  • I have fitbit charge 2 and it seems very accurate in terms of estimating my heart rate and TDEE. I tracked my weight changes and its TDEE estimates for several months and the results very spot-on. But I don't know if Charge 3 is just as accurate. When it just came out many people reported it being less accurate than Charge…
  • This is really interesting! Thanks for going in such detail. This is what I heard as well. People have told me, they simply feel less hungry if they ate more than usual one day and so they don't feel like eating as much the next day. Or that they crave an extra snack or a bigger dinner if they exercised. I am not good in…
  • I went back to reread my post trying see where it may sounded like I was asking advice about maintaining and I didn't find anything. I'm not asking for advice. I'm not even trying to maintain right now. I am simply curious. And not about how much any given person needs to eat to maintain. This is easily done with any TDEE…
  • Umm.. I wasn't asking for advice actually.
  • I wasn't asking for advice on how to maintain without tracking. Where did you get that from my post? Like I said, I am simply curious (because I am a curious person) how a person's daily intake can vary day to day and how it corresponds to their TDEE and in a way that they end up maintaining without doing it consciously. I…
  • Wow this is really interesting! 1900-2800 seems like a big fluctuation! I wonder what your actual TDEE was on your highest and lowest day to see by how much you go over or under your TDEE on a given day. I know there's no way to tell for sure though. I wear a fitbit (which I know is pretty accurate after tracking my weight…
  • Hmmm, I thought about diabetes. But since there's no history of diabetes in my family, I'm not obese and never was, and I eat very healthy generally, not much processed sugar and am very active, I kinda ruled it out. And my blood sugar was always normal every time it was tested. I also had some kind of diabetes test (I…
  • I was trying to lose very slowly before (200-250 cals average deficit), but since these hunger streaks became more frequent and eventually almost non-stop since about almost 2 month, I pretty much gave up on weight loss for the moment and I'm just trying no too gain actually. I still have a good idea about my TDEE though…
  • I see. Yes, indeed it doesn't sound like what I experience. I get this even after eating very balanced meals high in protein, fiber and fat. And no other pronounced symptoms aside from hunger...
  • Just went through this entire thread for the first and was somehow supprised by how little cycle-related hunger was mentioned considering it's a fitness/weight loss forum. Either it's less common than I imagined or most people here consider it to be the least of their worries compared to other cycle-related problems they…
  • @MikePTY thank you for a clear, straightforward answer to my question and for some solid advice! It's too bad there's nothing I can do macro-wise, I was hoping that sticking to low-fat foods, at least on days I go over my TDEE could help somehow... I live in Paris and even a *kitten* gym here costs at least 3 times more…