Big *kitten* Rabbit Farted RABBT
Go And Rinse Dirty Intimates INTIM
The Owl Is Sucking Eggs THEOL
Slapped A Llama And Dog LLAMA
Beat Up Thugs, Took Silver SILVR
Doing It Right This Year RIGHT
Shot Cabbage Out Nose, Entertaining. CABBG
Tickled All Llamas, Kissed Some KISSD
Children Are Rolling On Lawn LAWNO
Knitwear Now In The Washer WASHR
Gather 'Round, Eat At Table TABLE
Gas Out Rear Is Lethal LETHL
Did Early Christians Revere Science? SCIEN
Everyone Loves Electric Party Hats PARTY
Saw A Narwhal Driving Wildly DRIVG
Stop Tickling Rufus Under There THERE
It is almost time Felt like making haiku rhyme Vodka with a lime
Green Reindeer Eat Ecstasy Nightly ECSTS
Running Into Neighbors Garage Singing GARAG
Let It Go, Hang Tough TOUGH
Crayons Are Teaching Children Hues TEACH
Always Be Glad For Lunch LUNCH
Young Ones Understand Nothing Good NOTHG
Dogs Under My Mattress Yelp MATTS
Truth Is Not Kind Ever TRUTH
Beagles Ruined Our Wedding Night RUIND
Yearly Estimates Seemed Too Doubtful DOUBT
Place Ladder At Cave Entrance LADDR
Vitamins In Belly, Running Now. BELLY
Workers On Railroad Kiss Dolphins DOLPH