orsonsmith Member


  • This is exactly me. Now that I have a little girl I want to be able to run around with her and play. Do all the things that my mother was never able to do with me because of her own weight issues. I also want to show her what good healthy choices are instead of what I grew up with that got me here in the first place. I'm…
  • This can be a real problem if you`re not proactive about it. I lost quite a bit of weight a while back and wound up with some loose skin. Not too bad, but still unpleasant. After that I was introduced to dry brushing. After a month the results were very apparent. my loose skin was slowly disappearing. You can google it or…
  • I`ve got well over 100 to lose. Pregnancy has put me way over where I ever thought I would be. But my baby is now 9 months and I`m still gaining, so I can`t really use that as an excuse anymore. I really need some help to get me motivated.
  • I would just like to point out that I have been there. Going from a VERY restrictive diet (500 calories a day) to eating what I thought was a healthy amount. Every time I wound up gaining. Then getting depressed about gaining which led to binging and more gaining. Give her a more healthy and realistic goal and get her to…
  • Thinking that I can eat as much as I want during pregnancy, as long as I lose it all before my babies first birthday I will be fine. Well, first birthday is 3 months away and I've GAINED weight since giving birth.