deannadalziel827 Member


  • I keep seeing all of your posts! And you seem to be doing amazing!!! Is there anyway I can add you to Facebook or something so we could chat? I could use the motivation I am just starting week 3 and feeling very down . Add me to Facebook it's Deanna Maude Dalziel - there's only one ;)
  • I would say up your vitamins for sure! Make sure your getting the essentials, and try to eat something just anything at all- but something healthy- watch sugars and carbs. I can stomach a boiled egg , some almonds Greek yogurt, my appetite isn't so bad. But I have no desire for the things I once loved like pizza and Kraft…
  • How is it going for you?
  • Nothing to be nervous about! I was very nervous now it's just the norm. Little sick first few days but totally Fine now!
  • This is wonderful! Seems to be a lot of positive reactions to this medication! Besides the nausea! I just started last night! Not feeling so hot today but that's probably because I have not eaten very much ;p I hope to see the same loss as the rest of you! Can not wait to weigh myself next Friday!! Hopefully I will be down…
  • How long have you been taking Saxenda? And how how did it take to see results. So happy for you !!! In the small photo you look amazing!!!
  • Barbara can I ask where you started? I just started Saxenda last night 176 pounds want to be down to 150, when should I start to see results ?
  • Can I ask what your starting weight is! And your eating habits?