AleaMarie Member


  • Living in the great Pacific Northwest here! Lol WA state more specifically :-P
  • Hiya! Although I signed up on MFP in 2011, I just now realized I need to get my act together! Lol I'm starting a new fitness and health journey, due to medical issues (I have MS and am over weight). I just read a book called The Compound Effect and it struck a cord with me. Small, smart choices + consistency + time =…
  • Hi! Alea here! :) I'm from Tacoma, WA and although I'm not new to MyFitnessPal, I have not logged in a VERY long time. :s BUT I just started a new health and fitness journey. So I'm looking for new friends where we can support and inspire each other to reach and CRUSH our goals! :) Who's with me?!