Susie_Magoozie Member


  • An endocrinologist explained to me, (I have hashimoto's and take thyroid hormone), that with hashimoto's (which includes hypothyroidism) that we can eat the "exact same thing" as someone else and we our bodies do not take it the same; the other person may lose weight while we struggle to lose any; because both our…
  • Have they gotten your thyroid hormone levels good yet? Sometimes the anxiety and depression go away when the thyroid hormone levels are good. Have you checked out FTPO on facebook? (For Thyroid Patients Only), they follow the "STTM" or "stop the thyroid madness" way to help people get feeling better. I know they actually…
  • Yes, there are people who have successfully gotten their hashimoto's into remission, one common thread is the "Autoimmune Paleo Diet" also known as AIP. I've done a lot of research and dropped my antibodies by close to 75% by doing some specific things; to save time and to save yourself from a bunch of confusion; there are…
  • I have to echo that STTM (Stop the Thyroid Madness) is some of the very best help out there for hashimoto's and hypothyroid (as well as some other issues). They also have a facebook group called FTPO (For Thyroid Patients Only). Getting those levels optimum - not just in range - but yes in range at their best for us - is…
  • I have hashimoto's. I have lowered my TPOab close to 600 points by cutting gluten, wet cow milk, soy, and taking NP thyroid. Stop the Thyroid Madness is hands down the best advice out there regarding getting our thyroid hormones "optimum" not just in range. Just in range; many feel awful, exhausted, lethargic, (kinda like…
  • Hi, sometimes the weight loss for hypothyroid and hashimoto's people is a struggle because their thyroid levels are not optimum, think of it like there's not enough energy in their body so the whole system is slowed down. A lot of these people with autoimmune thyroid cannot even do anything beyond gentle exercise, some…