latyciamoya Member


  • ok I'll try 40 30 30. I'm not sure what my lean body mass is. but I've been going over on fat both days I've been trying this, so hopefully now I'll be under. either way I've lost a bunch of weight so that's good! just need to feel a bit more satiated. I'd say I also start to freak out in the afternoon and not want to…
  • yes I believe those percentages were what I was first given but the carbs scared me.. well my main goal is more to lower my body fat percentage; I don't really care how many lbs I weigh. and to tone my tummy. all my weight is in my tummy.. my body fat is 33% but I've lost 45lbs since January just by eating healthier and…
  • and my calories are 1,330
  • I don't really know what it's based on I went with the MFP settings that must have been based on my stats and goals and then changed it a bit based on what someone recommended. carbs 160g 50% protein 100g 30% fats 30g 20%
  • ok I'm finding it impossible to eat the amount of protein. does this mean I should change my ratios? there's like no way I can eat that much protein and stay under my calories and fat...
  • hey its better than beer right ;)
  • it's tough I felt so tired and hungry yesterday evening I was out of it. I had some tea which helped but then had a couple vodka sodas lol
  • gah day 1 is a bust. over on EVERYTHING except protein. I thought I was doing good but I guess not! this is harder than I thought but I'm determined to figure it out..
  • thank you. so according to that link, MFP has obviously determined the macros I should consume based on my stats and activity level I imputed. if I'm understanding correctly. so I think I will definitely try and follow it, as it is, and see how it goes!
  • I had a hard time with googling and using macros calculators :( I suppose I'll just try this out and see how it goes..I hope I don't gain fat.
  • thank you all. this is definitely getting a bit confusing but I'm seeing that I should focus on hitting my protein and fat and let the carbs fall where they fall which is fine I just need to figure out how much protein and fat I should have...I can try and work in grams but I've always found percentages easier for myself…