Sounds fab. Count me in.
Hey all. Definitely looking for friends, here. I've started my MFP journey around 3 years ago - With (too) many accounts between then and now. I'm really determined this type to reach my goal and build life-lasting healthy habits, and I think I could get the most out of this website/app by utilizing aspects of it I never…
Totally on board with you guys. Definitely could use the extra motivation.
Sending you one as well. Like you, I feel I would benefit from the "accountability" component that MFP offers.
I'll add you (: And anyone posting here is welcome to add me as well. I really want to get more involved in the community aspect of MFP.
Hey guys, I definitely am interested in having some friends. I'm an on-and-off member of MFP and have never really utilized the community aspect of it before. I think, in doing so, I might experience better success.
Hey there -- I'm a "sort of" newbie as well and am going to go ahead and shoot you a friend request. I've never really used the MFP friends feature before, but I think having that layer of motivation could help some.