Day 27 (Level 3 Day 7) done - just three days to go! Really enjoying it at the moment but looking forward to a couple of days off over the weekend then starting the next challenge (probably Ripped in 30) next.
Level 2 day 8 (Day 18) complete! Absolutely can't wait to be done with this level and move on to level 3. Although I'm pretty sure I'm totally undermining all my Shred efforts by continuing to eat so much junk so I'm not sure my day 20 progress photos will be too impressive...
Day 15 (Level 2 day 5) done! My legs/knees are getting really sore though. Any tips? If it doesn't improve I'm going to have to skip to Level 3 and make up the extra days with Level 1 and 3.
Day 11 done (Level 2 Day 1) today. I haven't really lost weight (maybe 1-2 lbs) but there was a noticeable difference in my progress photos so I was pretty happy! Level 2 is hardddd! So much plank!
Day 10 Level 1 complete! It definitely got a lot easier, until I doubled my weights for the last two days- eek! Can't wait to take progress pics tomorrow and start Level 2!
Hi guys I'm jumping in! I'm at day 9 (Level 1) right now. I've completed the shred twice before but this is the first time post-baby :) When I'm finished, I'm going to start Ripped in 30, which I've never finished!