Thank you everyone ! I've researched many types of birth control but the pill seemed like a good place to start. It was just really confusing when people were telling me that I was gonna gain weight on birth control. I didn't know how many factors go Into it. I appreciate everyone's response !
I already have big boobs, how much did your grow and how soon !? Do you think the extra weight was form your boobs ? Lol
Omg thank you so much, I didn't know you could still lose weight by just sticking to Calories. I already have big boobs
Okay so If I stick within my calorie range that it recommends for me to Get to my goal weight can I eat anything? As long as it meets those calories?
@LynnBBQ72 LOL I love that!! I probably wouldn't even eat. Jk but I will deff try that
@kommodevaran love that!! &I honestly I just feel sick of being used to eating the same thing and also all these articles I see on finding worms and gross things in chicken. But I can deff eat a burger ! Lol I think I'm going try the vegan thing! Hopefully it works
^^love that! I think that I get a little overwhelmed making big changes that I give up quickly!
Thank you!! I will deff look into that
Thank you so much everyone ! All of the advice will definitely help! I'm gonna go take bathing suit selfie o:)
Omg thank you so much!!!!
I think the bathing suit thing will work!! Thank you so much :)
Like enough to lose weight, I don't want to be eating out anymore (fast food). When I go grocery shopping I don't know what the heck to buy besides chicken. I'm tired of eating meat. I want to eat healthy enough to lose weight but I want the food to taste good as well.