herculesmulligan Member


  • I am a fan of the skinny cinnamon dolce latte, or just plain coffee with some milk/cream. The cinnamon dolce latte feels like a fancy drink but is still lower calorie and sugar than their regular drinks. Another yummy drink is their peach tea with two pumps of sugar free vanilla syrup.
  • I love to snack at night; whether I have a light dinner or a really hearty meal, I want a snack after. So I just plan for it, and try to choose lower calorie snacks (so I can eat more). My favourite is popcorn so I buy SkinnyPop or brands like that (I have an air popper but it barely works, or I'd pop my own). Generally…
  • I found the same; I lost very little weight on low carb, it was expensive, and I hated it. My doctor (who also has PCOS, which is nice for me) was supportive of me trying it but said it's not always the best, or only, solution. I've lost about 20lbs so far with simply reducing calories and tracking on MFP, and it's a lot…
  • I'm the same with salty, crunchy snacks like chips, popcorn, or crackers. Once I open the bag, I portion it out into one or two servings in ziplocs or Tupperware, and hide those in the cupboard. Then I take one or two servings for myself and because the large bag is empty, it feels satisfying. The psychology of food and…
  • Yay to week one in the books! Here's to many more successful weeks. For me, I find it more effective to plan around special meals or things I really want. For example, if I know I want to go out, I figure out the calories (as best I can, sometimes tricky with restaurants) and plan to eat a bit lighter that day so I can fit…
  • I have PCOS and would really like to have children, so I'm trying to develop healthier habits and get to a healthier size so that when I'm ready to get pregnant, I've given myself the best chances that I can for a successful and healthy pregnancy. There are also lots of active things I'd like to do that I feel I can't…