acaldwell3590 Member


  • Hello! I'm super pumped to find a group like this. I am on the ever long struggle of finding balance in this lovely world of PCOS and sometimes it goes really well but most of the time it doesn't. I've never been skinny though I did start gaining about 10lbs a year starting my Sophomore year of high school. My mom was…
  • This is almost exactly me - I'm 26/F/5'9" and currently at 258 looking to drop about 68 lbs. I would love to be a part of a group like this!
  • This is super inspirational, I'm 5'9" and started at 264, I'm looking to lose quite a bit myself and to see that it can be done is super awesome. Thanks for posting this!
  • I want ALL the friends! Love having people to share the journey with!
  • Awesome job and great celebration tactics! :D
  • To the both of you. I definitely appreciate your support! I'm not letting it get in my way this time. I definitely know that my health is the absolute most important thing and really it's taken me quite a bit of time to get to this point. My hope is to not just lose weight but get strong so I'm hoping that helps a bit.…
  • One of my biggest fears is that when I have a large weight loss I will just have a lot of extra skin that will be hanging around. I know it's unhealthy to be fat but I've learned to love a fat body, I'm worried that when I lose, if my skin is loose I will hate my body. It's often been part of the reason I quite before I…
  • I definitely appreciate all your input but the fact of winter gives me more room for failure. Plus I would like to use the time to build more strength, not just cardio capabilities. I love winter I just know myself. Plus, "dressing appropriate" isn't always an option when it comes to physical activity. Sweating in…
  • Hey there Cysters! I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2011 or somewhere around there. It was a struggle to finally get diagnosed. I knew something was wrong from about 2006 on but no one would listen because I was young. When I was finally diagnosed I was put on bc then later added spironolactone. After taking the…
  • Hello! I've been dieting on and off since I can remember, I'd love to make some new friends and have some accountability buddies who get what a pain PCOS really is.
  • Welcome Cyster! I also suffer from PCOS and she is quite the mean beast. I've dieted a few times before but have fallen off the boat and gained it all back plus some every time. My goal is to lose around 70 lbs. I'm all about connecting with other Cysters in the world. :)
  • I also have PCOS. I've been trying to manage it and lose weight for the past 4 years. I diet and lose a few pounds and let go a little and gain it all back in a short period of time so I give up. This time around I really want to make it work, I feel that my body is taking the hit from being big my whole life. I would love…