mom2twinsAZ Member


  • Sorry to hear you did not get a great outcome. I'm at 6 months and not really seeing any big changes at all. Wondering if the device is not giving them the results they wanted to see or if for some it does not work.
  • I had my one month check-in and everything seems to be going good. I have lost a few pounds but not what I had expected. Going in for my 2 month scope and hoping that I continue to lose weight. I'm still going back and forth on if I have it or not. I had horrible symptoms after the procedure ( throwing up, cramps and…
  • Just had my procedure on 10/21. I have been having cramps and throwing up. Wanted to see if anyone else has had these symptoms and how long did they last? Would also love to hear from anyone who has had the device in for awhile.