Okohme Member


  • All the above posters offered great tips. My personal advice, slow and steady won't win the race, but it will finish it.
  • Lots and lots of extra water helps me. For the water retention part of bloating anyway.
    in Bloating! Comment by Okohme March 2017
  • I did it! :) :) :) Finished at 1:02:38. Not terrible for my first go.
  • If you're a bookworm you might consider audiobooks (you can get them on your phone or MP3 player or whatever, you can pick up a decent new one for less than you'd think) for walking. I enjoyed them for that purpose, now that I'm running, not so much, can't find the same rhythm. As far as sabotage goes, I can understand. I…
    in Re-starting Comment by Okohme March 2017
  • A big 'ol honeycrisp apple is my go to but, also love bell peppers, and carrots. For that number of calories you could also do like 3/4 cup of greek yogurt, or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and some fruit of your choice, i like frozen raspberries because you can make a smoothie type thing with them.
  • People can be real weird about other people changing their lives. You've worked very hard to make some great changes and become healthier and happier and that's what matters. You mentioned that the new you is good for you mentally, and is certainly healthier, try to remember that when people are getting down on you. Also,…
  • I started walking with my little dude before the sleeping got better because I simply had to get out of the house and that's what started me down the whole path. I had to plan stuff out pretty far in advance to have a chance of eating better. Also, cosleeping. My 20-month old STILL nurses through the night and cosleeping…
  • What all have you tried in the realm of legumes, there's quite a lot of variation. Oatmeal is not bad for protein, if you're strength training you may need another source, but for normal people its got a good amount.
  • You might consider doing a "diet break" for a week, as other members have suggested. It really worked for me.
  • I find that it did get easier, just because I got used to the idea of things and decided that this was what I really wanted. I find small snacks like apples and carrots really help.
  • It's hard when the people around you get to eat and you don't, I know. Just keep at it and you'll feel and look better and that will help your motivation.
  • i've read a lot of accounts, usually somewhere in the neighbourhood of 200-400 claories. I usually just give myself a "free" or cheat piece of fruit to balance it out as I am not clear how much I do burn. My almost 21-month-old still nurses a lot, several times at night. :neutral:
  • I'm a veggie too. I've been a vegetarian for about 12 years, I go vegan off and on at different points. As others have said scrambled tofu is good. What do you do for your smoothie? I do 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 cup soymilk, 1tsp nutmeg, 3tsp cinnamon in my magic bullet. I find it very filling. I did protein shakes for a…
  • I munch carrots. They have some sweetness to them, and involve lots of chewing which satisfies certain aspects of hunger.
  • I'm a veggie, so take it for what it's worth. I LOOOOV the Amy's Kitchen and Sweet Earth ones that you can find at Target.
  • Maybe I will do my 3x3 the week following the race.
  • You know, I just might do that (run 3x3s again). But I think I will do it week after next. I am gearing up for a 10k, on the 26th. At this point I know I can run it (i run 7 miles once a week), so its basically just to collect the 10k medal to hang next to the one 5k medal I have and move on with my life.
  • Yes, that makes sense. I guess I had hoped that I would at least stay about the same, but I seem not to have. In your experience, how long would I go at it before seeing some speed results? And will I continue not to see speed results if I am increasing my miles?
  • I'm not saying you're wrong, but its only 1 more mile. I wouldn't have though it'd have that big of an impact.
  • I am running slower for my longer run. I started out running like 2x a week and moved up from there. Starting in January I went from 3miles 3x a week to my present of 4 miles 2x a week and 7 miles 1x a week. My Long run on Sunday is very relaxed and sloooooow. I time the first 3 miles of my run to use as a yardstick, even…
  • I can see your abs in both pics and am jelly.
  • I'm shaped kinda funny, my butt is huge and I've been breastfeeding for 20 months. 5'3" 140lbs 40-28.5-39
  • At present I think I'd like to see my 5k time improve before I try to improve my 10k time. My most recent goal was simply to be able to run the 10k, which I can now do, but I don't consider it completed until I run my 10k race. From there my next goal is that I would really like to run a sub 30min 5k. Unfortunately over…
  • Love to. Not sure if I have the time for that, though. Time will tell, I suppose.
  • Is it not really possible to do both? I have not gotten any faster for months, if anything, a little slower, but I can run much farther.
  • I've been running for a w months but that's still pretty new. I'm at 3 runs a week 2 X 4mi, 1 7mi for my "long run".
  • Most days (recently, I upped my intake when I added in weigh training and started increasing my miles) I eat around 1600-1800 calories. Which puts me at a 400-1000 calorie deficit. The 1000 calorie deficit is somewhat rare, like if I have along run day on a day when i'm not feeling very hungry.
  • Oh, I know I'm very much an amateur runner at this point, I probably always will be. To be honest I don't recall what point I was making when I said that I'd been working out for months, maybe just supplying background. I think maybe I just figured I would have made a little bit more progress by now but in the last few…
  • Probably a month or so ago, when I had oral surgery and wasn't even allowed to lift my son for two days.
  • ...week?!