Okohme Member


  • It may be I need to add in some weight on a couple of my exercises. Thanks for the help!
  • The equipment i have I typically do 3 sets of 15, and most exercises I can do at least that much. My real barometer is the push-ups, which I have been able to increase my number of, albeit slowly. But from what I understand, just because I'm stronger does not mean I have necessarily added muscle.
  • TIL.
  • Oh, yeah. I know all about water weight fluctuations, that's why I am using weekly averages. The extra water weight for extra miles does make some sense.
  • I did not know I could add bone at this point in my life.
  • That thought occured to me too, but its been a steady increase, and is based off of weekly averages, not single weigh ins. OKay, thanks, Ill look at that chart. . ..what would non-muscle LBM be?
  • The thing is, that my running is really my priority and the weightlifting is supplemental/cross-training/secondary. At some point I will put more focus onto strength building but now is not that time. I'm really just curious if anyone has any idea what amount of muscle gain I might actually have relative to the amount that…
  • I did my first(so far only) HM in September and really enjoyed it. My next goal is to do a 10k in an hour but I don't want to drop my distance that much just yet. I think I will take your advice and go for a Hal Higdon improvement plan along with two days full body.
  • I have not but I will. My mileage was around 25 at max. I was doing 2 runs at 4 miles, 1 run at 5, and a long run that was 10-12 miles. I recently completed my first half marathon so I'm dialing it back for a couple weeks, but am looking to amp it back up. Was doing arm day and leg day, Monday and Thursday respectively.…
  • Uh, im roughly hourglass shaped, so I dunno where that leaves me.
  • DAmn! Lookin good, lady!
  • Super helpful, as I am also 5'3"! Guess I'll hope for abs in another 15lbs or so.....
  • Well, guess I've got a ways to go. What sort of a change do you see? When I got my BodPod scan the lady said about 1% change in a month which seemed a little bit slow to me, but then im still relatively new to this.
  • Yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, pintos, black beans, lentils, tofu....
  • BMI is still a very good guide for the vast majority of people. You'd be surprised how thin healthy, or normal is. I am personally aiming for the middle of my healthy BMI range. That said there are some guides that allow for a little bit more weight with age for a few different reasons, but I am personally aiming for the…
  • That's how I started, with walking. A good brisk walk is a good form of exercise, as you get fitter, you may need more intense movement to get good exercise.
  • I did, too. Christmas Day was one of my regular run days, we got done with all the family stuff and I put on my shoes and went. I only ran 3 miles but still. There was one other person out there. The whole way I kept thinking "yep, i'm the *kitten* running on Christmas Day. Guess I am a "runner"" I'm slow and I, myself, am…
  • My Fitbit is supposed to do some of that but I honestly haven't investigated how to do so just yet. Guess that's my next step.
  • I'll do some reading on Tabata. Sub 8:00/. Man, that sounds SOOOOO fast, to me. I did a 5k in 30:06 and that was like lightning for my stubby little legs. I'm the PokeyLittlePuppy but I'm still waaay faster than I was, so I guess there's that.
  • Hmmm.. I mean, yeah, I guess the running is my priority. Its just that the weight traiing is sort of easier because I can do it at home while I'm watching the kiddo.... but ya'll make a good point. Can't do all of the things in the time alloted.
  • I'm gonna do some reading on the cruise intervals and tempo stuff, and see if I can figure out how to incorporate that into my plan. Why over a mile for warm-up and cool down? I know I need to increase my miles, I am presently attempting to determine how to do so. I could add in a few more (say, another run of 3-4 miles)…
  • Full body strength is what? All of the things that I do over the course of a week? I guess I was looking to speedwork for some results as to this point my increased miles have not seemed to increase my speed, but then I don't have a very good test for that.
  • The food tracking thing on fitbit, for me, has always been..... bizarre. I sort of worked it out (I think) and its workable but the layout is strange, to me at least. Anyway, does the flex have a button? Try powering totally down and back on. Other than that I would say to contact Fitbit support via chat, their tech can…
  • The hill work I was looking at was saying to sprint uphill for 100m, then walk back down the hill, then sprint back up, and do that 12-24 times. I will do some more reading regarding the speed sessions you suggested. I have a couple of speed goals I would like to hit before moving on to some more of my distance goals, but…
  • Honestly I'd love to do some more running, but fitting it in is problematic, and when to do it with my other workouts is a challenge too. One of the main seasonsI want to do some speedwork, is so that I can get more miles in during the time I do have to run. I'm, uh, not fast.
  • Well, its based on the time I have to do it, but also the training plan I used to get to the 10k. I could switch leg day to Friday or Monday, but then Leg day would follow my long run, or proceed two consecutive runs. Honestly I have no clue which would be preferable. I found about a million recommendations for speedwork,…
  • I track my first thing in the morning weight as my weight fluctuates significantly throughout the day, except when it doesn't. :|
  • Sugar cravings were hard for me, too. Fruit helped a lot. Also, fruit + yogurt, or fruit + cottage cheese. Carrots are great, you can steam them with cinnamon and nutmeg. Once apart from daily doses of the refined over-processed garbage foods, you may find you crave them less, I did. I still lose my everloving mind when it…
  • Not for a little bit. I'm moving on to speedwork and strength training for a bit. At some point when I've got more time I might try for a 13.1.