How do you set a weight goal?

I'm a 5'8 female, 33 years old and currently 169. My starting weight was 191 on 12/26.

Originally I wanted to get to 155 which was my pre pregnancy weight with my second child. I then moved it up to 160. Now I'm thinking I'll be good at 165 and then start toning and gaining muscle. I'm just not sure.

165lb still puts me as "overweight" on the BMI chart.

Does anyone go by that chart or no? I hear it's pretty outdated and at my height and weight now I def don't look or feel overweight.

Any insight?


  • Okohme
    Okohme Posts: 152 Member
    BMI is still a very good guide for the vast majority of people. You'd be surprised how thin healthy, or normal is. I am personally aiming for the middle of my healthy BMI range. That said there are some guides that allow for a little bit more weight with age for a few different reasons, but I am personally aiming for the fitter end. If you get a body analysis done that can be helpful. For instance aiming for a specific body fat percentage can be a good goal to have if you're not working on weight loss specifically as much.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    BMI chart is kinda BS. I'm 4' 11" and 117 lbs. (up from 95 lbs. 2-years ago after loads of heavy weight training, cardio and proper nutrition) and that puts me near overweight...which I'm not. Go by your BF%
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    For me, I picked a weight I have been at previously and was happy at.

    Set a goal, hit the goal and readjust from there. Plenty of people pick multiple goals to break up the daunting number.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am 5' 6" and started at 221 aiming for 130 but found I was quite pleased how I looked at 185 so adjusted my ultimate goal to 160 then I will see how I feel about how I look.

    Whatever you decide don't wait to start lifting weights. I lost 32 pounds on here before and lifting was at the core of my exercises and really made a big difference to my body shape. It means you don't lose your lean muscle as well which is really important. Especially if you intend to build muscle later.

    I gave up smoking regained the weight and developed arthritis so stopped lifting but now that is all under control I will be back lifting asap.

    Good luck :)
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    BMI in my opinion is a crock of s***. You have to find something that you are happy with. Your genetics are also going to have a lot to do with your body appearance. It's just a matter of finding something you're comfortable with. Weight is a subjective number. You can be 10 pounds heavier lifting weights but still looks skinnier and more fitter then if you wait 15 or 20 pounds less by not lifting. Muscle is much more denser than fat so you could pack on more muscle and still look skinny

    I'm a 56 year old male 6 feet 4 inches my weight right now is 208. I have a 35 inch waist and wear a size 42 jacket. According to BMI index I'm considered overweight. According to BMI index for my way to be normal I should weigh between 160 and 205 pounds. If I weighed 170 pounds I would look like a skeleton.

    Also according to the BMI index every player in the NBA is considered overweight.