jacpell80 Member


  • Tonight I am making chicken and sprinkling taco seasoning on it and I can make mine a salad whereas my family will get full course meal cause I will make sides for them
  • I wish I could sleep good...for some reason I wake up every hour or so...Dr put my on sleeping meds but I still woke up just felt like really drunk...any advice on getting good night's sleep? And it's not my kids that wake me it's my body either I need drink or eat or go potty or just stretch...
  • I don't know much bout calories intake so I let this app determine what's best for me...it put me on 2260 calorie intake yesterday I consumed almost 4000 which is was relax Sunday and I had mcd for lunch
  • That's what I don't understand...I am currently taking a break cause I am dripping in sweat from cleaning my 6yr olds bedrm and once I cool off I will clean my 2 yr olds bedrm...like I don't stop all day but to relax for few and up to cook or clean again...I consider myself active even know I don't do 'workouts' or visit…