Monman45 Member


  • @TmacMMM That sounds like me! Went on a anniversary weekend and didn't exercise for 3 days, got home and still didn't exercise for 4 days. Ate like crap and head was all moody and mouthy. Sleeping like crap and bizarre nightmares. Hahaha I can't have cheat days and I do better working out everyday. Keeps my mind and body…
  • So how bad are cinnamon jolly ranchers? I have been having 4-6 between meals. It seems to curb my munchie cravings. But wondering if I'm sabotaging trying lose weight...
  • Add me also.. I feel like I'm on a yo yo and need this group lol I just turned 47 and want to lose 40lbs to get back to my healthy self.
  • I have a husband like yours, loves to cook when he's home. He works out of town for 4-6 weeks, so when he's home the kitchen is his. Only problem- he makes me feel bad when I don't eat what he cooks, not with words but his expressions and I don't think he means to. So then I eventually give in and eat and then I'm kicking…