annmareeofoz Member


  • lol nope, I just paraphrased advice someone else had given to me at one point... I even used the term paraphrasing. I never once CLAIMED it was 100% true, or studied, did I???? I just said it gave me MYSELF in my opinion, a pause for thought on what /I/ do, and how I think about food and cheats/treats etc. So, again, tell…
  • And where's your peer reviewed scientific references in denial of it? Works both ways... Besides - I'm talking about OVER-indulgence, and drastic changes from the norm, not just a treat here and there that is incorporated into your meal plans. I'm talking about a binge or large 'cheat' that drastically differs from your…
  • Oh I also meant to say, that my nutrition coach at the gym even said to me, that it's not just a cheat day and then it's over and that's it... It continues beyond that... (I'm paraphrasing what I remember she said) because your gut has a balance of enzymes and bacteria etc and even your overall body levels can be affected…
  • This is why I don't believe in cheat days, or the term 'diet' in terms of the fad or plan you stick to on certain days, only to reach a certain goal and cease it. For me it's a complete lifestyle change and there's no going back. I know I've got a long road ahead of me, I have a lot of weight to lose, so I simply cannot…
  • Well you have to do it for your own reasons. You just have to find those reasons. If you don't have any good reasons that you truly believe in, then I am afraid you're destined to fail, or at very least get to a point and just not be happy and start to feel hopeless, and regress backward. Sounds like perhaps you are at an…
  • Overall my gym is pretty good 98% of people are great, just get in and do their thing and don't worry about anyone else. There are just those few who will look down their nose at you as they literally lounge on the equipment, talking to eachother, playing with their phones and not do any working out... I get it from…
  • Maybe see what other gym options you have in your area? With better patrons/atmosphere and more equipment? Although easier said than done if you're in a smaller town and you're locked into a contract at your current gym. I've certainly heard horror stories about gyms and their patrons - but I am so glad joined a really…