ninergal76 Member


  • Looking for motivation friends. I have been working with a trainer for the last 2 months and on Monday I will have my last session with her. I am determined to keep moving forward with the progress I have made with her and see this through till I hit my goal.
  • I prep veggies for the week on Sunday that way they are ready to go no excuse to not eat them. My weakness is chips so I try not to have them in the house. If the kids want some I get flavours they eat but that I don't like. At night if I feel a snack attack coming I'll put some lemon juice in my water. It seems to help.…
  • I'm big into Christmas and do a lot and I mean A LOT of cooking. This year I too am worried. I don't want the kids to miss out but knowing there are Christmas cookies and things kicking around the house makes me question my will power which is pretty good except at home :( Hoping to draw strength from the MFP community…