kenyonhaff Member


  • When I first joined MFP, I put a weight 20 pounds lower than my weight at the time. However, when I finally reached that point, I did ask myself, "So what **is** a healthy weight for me?" I looked at the BMI chart, and picked a number midway in the "normal" range. Worked pretty well for me. The goal is always able to be…
  • Good! This is an area that you need to address, where you do some reflecting and learning. So take a look at the highest fat items you are eating. Where is the fat coming from? And what are some different choices you can make? In general your choices are: Eat smaller portions of the food item Avoid the food item Find a…
    in day 6 Comment by kenyonhaff April 2021
  • Actually, how hyper-obese people get that way is a more complicated question than you would think, and a field of study that's frustratingly complex. We don't entirely know why one person gets to 800 pounds. There are usually obvious behaviors like diet patterns, a lack of exercise, depression/anxiety, a family history of…
  • That calorie amount seems very low to me as well. I also note that you are eating a lot of carbs, so you may need some more fat in your eating plan.
  • Oh that's simple: historical reenactors wouldn't provide enough drama. In these "put a modern person into a historical situation" shows, they want the people to have conflict, drama, and to a degree hate the situation. It makes for good TV in a mainstream sense. People like to watch drama. Having a bunch of competent,…
  • So I'm a historical reenactor, so for a weekend event we will eat more or less exactly what our counterparts in 1775 Northern New England ate. What I can tell you is that it's pretty healthy and delicious in the hands of a decent cook. Stuff like oatmeal, eggs, bread, cheese, vegetables and fruit, stew...a lot of stew.…
  • I love leggings too! I just got ones covered by Kermit the Frog and they make me so happy!
  • The answer is whatever feels rewarding to you! For me, I try to avoid rewarding myself with ice cream or desserts or restaurant meals. Part of the reason I got fat was that I was rewarding myself for "eating well" and I had to uncouple that. Sure, I'll eat some ice cream but not because "I've been good", and getting sushi…
  • I actually learned to embrace the snack, but just make better choices in snacking. For me, I was eating snacks that were too full of carbs and/or calories and by choosing more high protein choices I actually ate less overall during the day. Chips (I'm American) are tough to break the habit. I did figure out that replacing…
  • I would highly recommend trying restorative designed to be gentle and restore energy. There are programs online for free (such as on YouTube). Even better, with a certified teacher. A lot of these practices literally can be done in your bed if you like. :) And I won't pretend yoga will fix everything. This is a…
  • I have jeans in my closet labelled in sized 8-12 that all fit well. That's a big statement on how women's clothes sizes work.
  • There's nothing 'dumb" about having an accountability's an effective tool. Don't buy into the "lone wolf" mentality that it's somehow better to do it entirely on your own or some crap like that. I work in a high school, so I'm surrounded by young people -- many are in the peak physical shape of their lives.…
  • For me, I don't take "diet breaks" as much as I am fine with taking a day here or there to really enjoy a meal or dessert--life's too short not have an amazing meal once in a while. Also, it can be hard to stay on track at certain times. Vacations can be tricky. There's a weeklong business trip and your usual exercise…
  • I looked at a "healthy" BMI range, and selected a number about midrange without that range.
  • There's nothing new about ultra low calorie diets. Obviously you see the problem: the weight will come off, but it's not sustainable, and the weight will come back on (maybe with friends!). There's plenty of health issues that can happen with drastic dieting like that. MyFitnessPal is all about eating a sensible amount of…
  • Just get started logging your food on MFP if you haven't already. Just logging your food will help you be accountable for what you are eating. It can help you be more mindful of your choices, which might be a good start. One of my realizations from my experience losing 40+ pounds and keeping it (mostly) off was the carb…
  • The key here is: What is "realistic"? The truth is, asking advice from random people on the Internet is going to yield a whole spectrum of answers, from excellent to "oh dear Lord no".
  • Maybe you just need to shake up your food selections. Maybe it's time to get a new cookbook and try some of the things in there. Chicken and broccoli are fine, but it can get boring. I burnt out on sandwiches long ago...too many during high school and college. But an interesting sandwich? I'm there.
  • As others have said, there's a couple of things to unpack. Most standard commercial sliced bread (like Wonder Bread) is fluffier than homemade bread. You can get commercial breads that are 100 calories or less per serving. It has therefore fewer calories. (It's also more profitable for the companies who save on…
  • Seems to me you simply have a body that holds some of its weight in your torso. There's nothing freakish about that. You've been bombarded with images giving you the idea that your body must have a trim, flat tummy or else...I dunno you don't measure up? The truth is, you have a nice normal body. Even if you're at a…
  • One of the other problems of "just eat smaller portions" is that there are many foods that are high bulk and low on calories and high on nutrition. There's probably no real reason to reduce the amount of broccoli you would eat, for example. Plus, losing weight is important. But nutrition is as important, and maybe more…
  • Grew up on East Coast of US, ended up marrying a native Vermonter who introduced me to apple pie accompanied by the sharpest cheddar you can obtain....OMG why haven't I been doing this all along? (Also, add maple syrup to the pie/cheese matrix.)
  • Well also the "truth" when it comes to science is often complicated and what we know and understand today may not be the same as next month or year. Or you need to understand some context and background before really understanding the science -- which is not generally conveyed through a meme even a good one. People by…
  • It's unclear if the vaccine was responsible for the blood clots. Also, it's yet to be proven the number of blood clots would be above what the population likely would have…
  • You can always get pre-cooked fajita meat from Wal*Mart if you have one if you're nervous on your first go. That way you can focus on the cooking the veggies first, then next time add in the element of the meat. Cooking tip: usually in "one pan" recipes the veggies are put in after the meat. This is because 1) meat…
  • Food is tied up with all sorts of emotions. And it's hard to reach for a salad when you really want Mom's macaroni and cheese with the crusty breadcrumbs. What I recommend is reaching for a hot beverage when needing some warmth in your tummy. A nice cup of tea or coffee is much more diet friendly and a warm tummy is a…
  • Unfortunately, when you are surrounded by people who are overweight and/or obese, it does become "normal" and even to the point that people don't know what a normal, healthy weight actually looks like. (It can also happen in the opposite direction in people like dancers and gymnasts that may be underweight but are…
  • Slow down, really chew your food, actually taste it. If you have a food that you really can't help but overeat ("trigger foods" like potato chips, ice cream, cookies) at least don't have it in your house. Are you an emotional eater? What are the triggers that make you eat way past when you're full -- anger, sadness,…