You're a youngster to me, I turn 70 on Christmas Day. I let myself go to over 300 lbs, but made up my mind I was going to lose 100 lbs and then go from there. I started walking in May of this year and could only walk 1/3 mile without resting to begin with. Now, 7 months later I walk over 5 miles every morning. I've lost 40…
The best way to resist the temptation is to not have it in your home. And, to make up your mind that you and only you can decide not to drink. After all, it's a crutch for something in your life that needs to be addressed. Do a root cause analysis on yourself and honestly come up with the unlying cause of your drinking.…
Y'all add me please, motivation is always appreciated. :)
about now
The first thing you have to do to be successful is to decide that your health (physical & mental) are the most important thing in your life and dedicate that hour or so every day to exercise. Just call it "Me-Time" and don't let anyone interfere with that allotted time. The second thing to do is commit to yourself that you…
Hello all, have been using My Fitness Pal for the last 30 days or so. Really great help to control intake and helping me to stay on track for my weight loss stretch goal of 70 lbs. I've already lost 37 lbs since Jan 1, 2016, and would like to finish the year at a -40 to -45 lbs of my 2015 weight.