letita_i Member


  • Hi Denetta24, I'm new at this blogging on this site. I'm gonna try to delete my post above and repost it on the original topic. It has many more people so, you might want to do the same so that we both are in this challenge with other for more support.
  • Hi, I'm Letita and I'm in. This is my first official challenge to complete. Good luck everyone! Starting weight : Nov. 1, 2016 - 218 lbs Current weight : 218 lbs November goal : 213 lbs Ultimate goal : 150 lbs. 4th : 11th : 18th : 25th : Due to some health problems I can't be as active as I'd like but, I will take it slow…
  • This is my first challenge. I'm in! Current weight: 218 Nov. Goal weight: 208