LoGetsFit120 Member


  • @nvmomketo that makes total sense! I’m actually experiencing all of those symptoms right now. I’ll have to make sure I start adding more sodium tomorrow. Have you noticed any differences in weight loss since adding more?
  • @rebelpreneurunleashed you have to add me to see my stuff
  • I’ve been using a lot of recipes from ketokarma.com everything I’ve cooked has been so delicious!! @nvmomketo I hope this isn’t a dumb question but how come you’re saying to increase sodium? For me at least if I have too much sodium I retain so much water, but I am fairly new to Keto so I’m curious.
  • Feel free to add me, my boyfriend and I have started trying to lose weight together. We work out 3-4 times a week and have been doing a Keto/low carb diet since right after Christmas. I’m turning 29 in a couple weeks and I’m ready to shed this weight once an for all!