First off too many people are training anterior chain when posterior chain is more important especially back and scapular stabilization exercises causing imbalance. A lot of people focus on all the Big show muscles and neglect the smaller stabilizing muscle groups which builds a house over a crappy foundation causing…
I can name a lot of exercises but would take me a while
Body compensates with neighboring muscle groups so you need to find other ways to isolate core. I am a huge fan of planking as well with neutral spine emphasis.. Start small if you lose form take a break and do little by little.
LOL I suggest going on Instagram because there are so many chicks all about the booty on there who also share their workouts to get the bubble they have and its motivating. A lot of fitness stuff gets posted on there (people love to show off)
Track fat loss not weight loss. Calculate macros and give it time don't give up. You will make changes and also get full physical at doctor make sure it's not thyroid or hormonal as well
Don't focus on weight focus on fat loss tracking and lifting weights helps burn fat and shapes body beautifully. Don't be afraid to lift and eat high protein to maintain muscle.... Also balance with healthy fats and eat good carbs to fuel workouts. Whatever you do do not do any starvation diet or be too restrictive it will…
I opened a door after arm workout but way too hard and door slam echoed in the parking garage so loud that the other guy behind me leaving from gym got startled and thought I was pissed. Oops