souperchik Member


  • I just started the 5:2 diet today after doing some research and planning with my primary care. I need to lose a LOT - about 100 lbs give or take. I found the book at BAM bookstore in their clearance section $5.97!!! It's now heavily marked up with notes in the margins. I'm really excited about eating this way. I "tested"…
  • So I was one of the original people get a reaction/burn from my original Fitbit and walked away for awhile. I now use an original Flex with no problems. I have both an apple watch and a Polar Chest Strap that I use at the gym for my regular workouts though. The Fitbit was a freebie but I've found it works really good for…
  • Check out Fitbook (I use the Fitbook Lite because it tracks more of the things that are important to me.) Small, fits in my purse.