ziggyboop Member


  • Thank you for the dietary advice, but I don't really eat pastas. I do typically have brown rice over white though but not daily. I eat a lot of Korean food (and some Japanese) which calls for a lot of vegetables, protein, and spice! I'm not really desiring a six pack either. I just want my stomach to be more balanced with…
  • @rainbowbow I just saw the other link you messaged me too! I will look into those exercises too, especially if they are more tailored to my posture type. Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!
  • @rainbowbow Thank you for the links! They are very informative. I will focus on those areas while keeping in mind my posture.
  • @jemhh I will see if the library has the book, thank you for your recommendation! I was wondering if deficit eating was something I should really look into because my diet truly is well balanced. I avoid sweet substances like candy and generally stick to plain water. I feel like restricting my food intake further would…
  • @singingflutelady Thank you so much for the link!
  • @rainbowbow Thanks for your reply! My waist hip ratio is basically borderline healthy (0.78) because I have such high fat content in my stomach area. I'm a college student at the moment so I have no money for a personal trainer (and I use the university gym since our school forces us to pay it with our tuition fees). I…
  • @jemhh Thank you for replying! You're right, I do have a "rounded shoulders" posture and really need to work on improving it. What type of beginner level strength training would you suggest? I have only been focusing on cardio, and I'm not really sure how to proceed. I've done a little reading on strength training and saw…
  • @canadianlbs Thank you for your detailed reply! I feel like I should definitely work on my core muscles because they're sorely lacking as other members (and myself) have observed. I will be more than happy to simply have more definition in my stomach, which may reduce the flubby look my stomach has going on! I am very new…