nameknotavailable Member


  • Thanks :) and I don't. I think he was simply trying to explain in general terms for the great unwashed that TEF is a thing and this is how it works. I don't think he's a proponent of very low carb either but, I haven't read much of his stuff so I'm only going by 1 or 2 things he said.
  • Cushing's Syndrome. I had it after extensive steroid treatment and it was hell. When the buffalo hump was noticed that's when it actually finally was diagnosed. Losing weight was impossible at the time. However, it's really not very common, but that's the one I know about personally. For 3 weeks I had 1 can of soup a day…
  • Hi, Fairly new here. I had run across this little write up about a week ago which, in my opinion, is a pretty good, basic explanation of calories, nutrients and thermic effect of different foods and the caloric effect. It's actually what made me sign up here at MFP and start tracking macro and micro nutrients. It's rather…