There isn't really any "right" type of protein. They all serve different purposes. If you have the funds, by all means you should diversify. However if your trying to be fit on a budget, I'd suggest standard whey protein as your best bet. Now, the two of the most commonly used proteins are whey and casein. Both are…
It is all going to depend on your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is how many calories you burn each day just going through the motions. Try googling "TDEE Calc" and use that. Once you have that, breakdown your diet by what percent you want to be protein/carbs/fats and work from there! Keep in mind. More calories in…
Light cinnamon sugar, fresh blueberries, a little bit of honey, brown sugar mixed in. Not the healthiest haha but all tasty options.
There are many factors that go into this. How old is your husband? Does he have any prior experience working out? How active is he? Is he more "skinny-fat", or just carrying around a big gut? Generally speaking, I'd recommend adding mass before cutting down. If he tries to cut down first, he may just end up looking…
They both have their uses. Slim Fast is a bit more filling in my opinion, but provides a different service than Whey. One is protein, the other is a meal replacement.
I would just go buy a new pair! You earned it. 70 pounds is incredible, treat yourself!
Your genetics determine the limits that you can push yourself too. How you push yourself to those limits, and how fast you reach them is entirely dependent on your habits.
If you are going to count your calories, you may as well take in one step farther and count your macros. Or at least have a general idea of what your taking in each day. For losing weight, I'd recommend high protein, moderate fat, and very low-carb. Every 3-4 days treat yourself to a high carb meal. That should keep your…
Searching for motivation is tough. Rarely are you going to find it. Instead, when the thought "Hey, maybe I should go to the gym today," pops into your head, you need to act. As soon as you think that, get up, put on your shoes, throw on a tee-shirt grab you phone and beeline for the gym. Otherwise, you're just going to…
If you know you are going to break your calorie goals, accept that. It's no fun enjoying a delicious meal if you're thinking about how every bite is working against you. Other than that, get into the gym! If you're going to take in more calories, you can make up for it with more cardio. Simple as that.
I would say that 10-20 percent is the sweet spot. Even lower if you're body is okay with it. Keep those carbs coming from vegetables, keep your protein high, and fats moderate.