ImachineB Member


  • 5'11 is my height - forgot!
  • Hi , I'm 42 . I have 2 young boys of 8 and 10years. I'm in sports all my life but I'm better in power engaging sports like swimming, rowing, volley etc. I'd like to be thin and - fast as I 'm into running and races now. Want to be fit and light for my first marathon. HW: 86 kg (187lbs) <--- CW: 77.5 kg (170 lbs)----all my…
  • 5'11, 169lb , 42y, large frame. Training for 5k winter races and want to drop some pounds to be faster. (155-158 would be just fine). If I just could eliminate nutella for breakfast.... I feel really good about my body so I can't take seriously any weight loss, but I really want to drop these 10pounds ...