GHarbisher89 Member


  • I shall take the day off then. Thank you
  • I'd say start of with the weight machines rather then free weights, lets you build a bit of confidence and strength without risking injury from poor form. There's a few ways you can split weight training, I personally like push, pull, legs split. As muscles that work for the same movement are exercised in conjunction with…
  • Best is relative, 1hr on a treadmill versus 1hr on a bike doesn't matter. If you enjoy one more then the other then that exercise is more likely to become habit and be enjoyable rather then gruelling.
  • When I go on vacations I don't calorie count, life is also for living. My advice based on what worked for me, if you manage your calories well you rarely feel like you're dieting. If you need a break take one, if you don't, then even better.