michild1969 Member


  • I know I can do it but it's going to be harder for me cause my body works best with less food then a normal person
  • The specialist gave me a list for meat its turkey,chicken,veal,non fatty meats, non fat dairy, no chocolate there's even a lot of fruit that I can't eat fat has to be 1.5 or less per serving and sugars as close to zero as possible wish is hard cause I'm a diabetic but sometimes it drops you would be shocked at what I can't…
  • Ideal weight for me is 145 to 150 and I'm at 205 still fighting the fight
  • Hopefully I can to not giving up can't
  • My problem is the way he explained it is my body can't process fats,starches,and sugars instead of getting rid of it, it holds on to it my bad chochsterol naturally runs high and good runs low like 20 something so the less I eat the better my body works but not giving up can't