Charlemagne by Blossoms
It depends if it's staying there forever? We have walking trails that loop in our neighbourhood, but there's only a garbage can at the end. So a lot of people will bag it, leave it, and pick it up on their way back through for the garbage can. Saves on hefting a dog, an umbrella, and a bag of poo for 5k.
Gasp!!! I won't argue on Christian Bale, but The Librarian is the best!
So long, and thanks for the fish.
Breaded, oven baked pork chops with fresh Bruschetta mix on top. Mashed potatoes and carrots for side.
All this fuss over Oreos... which are okay. But what about Tim Tams? Pretty sure those are the nectar of the gods.
Sharks with giant laser beams attached to their heads.
Campbell's mushroom soup. Everything about it is wrong. texture, taste, etc.
Oh, my heart. It just died a little.[/quote] I don't like it if things are so sweet that my face hurts... and they're sticky, and crumbly all at the same time. :-(
I don't want to set the world on fire-The Ink Spots
Play Dungeons and Dragons