lboullt Member


  • Mcfaddin7 so glad things are going great and you're feeling better! Congrats on the 16lbs!! I've struggled with finding the right foods to eat. Before procedure I could eat spicy foods but now it's not good. So I'm convinced that I have the device. I also have a hard time getting calories in since I have no appetite. I got…
  • Mcfaddin7 I hope you start feeling better soon. I have not had the side affects that you had. But I go back and forth on if I have it. Yesterday I had applesauce in a pouch and it really made my stomach hurt. Terrible indigestion for a while. After some peppermint tea it felt better. I will stay away from applesauce for…
  • Hi mcfaddin7. I'm the same way. Part of the time I feel like I do and other times I don't. These pains don't feel like hunger. It's more of an ache to me. Keep me posted on how you feel!!
  • Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this group. I had my procedure on Nov 15th in Nashville. Feeling ok except for the sore throat. My stomach has been cramping a little. Have had a hard time getting all my liquids in because of my throat but hopefully it will be better by the weekend. I have my first visit with dietician on…