dknisle1 Member


  • Well I'm training to be a police officer, there is an album from the artist Forensics. It is a hip hop album released by a current police officer. It's just an extra bit of motivation.
  • How would I go about building speed? I just did my first sub 10 min mile today. But I average about a 10:30 mile. Thanks for the help
  • I just picked up running back in August so the majority of my running has been cooler temps. I don't mind the cold either I just want sure what's "supposed" to be easier. I also started on the treadmill but I find it easier to run outside.
  • I was 260 when I first started my diet/ running. I could barely run for 30 seconds. I now run at least 1.5 miles 3x a week. It's a mind game. Don't worry about what others think. You're lapping everyone on the couch.
  • Just remember. No matter how slow you run, you're lapping everyone on the couch.
  • I'll post yesterday's. I had been running a mile and a half 3 days a week. I went out yesterday and hit my mile and a half mark and wasn't tired. It turned into a 3 mile run. 31:00 min. I'm ok with that. I think it was because I actually ate something and drank water before hand. Idk. Felt awesome tho
  • Slow down. I dropped the app after that week and just started going on a run every other day. I did a 3 mile run yesterday without stopping. Avg 10 min pace. It's a mental game. Stick with it and you'll be fine
  • Personally I'm a c25k dropout. I finished week5 and realized it was all in my head. I moved onto longer and longer runs along with the ocasional speed day mixed in. [/quote] this. Me too. I was on the week where the runs went from 8 minutes to 20 minutes. I gave up and just went on a run every other day. Just did 3 miles…
  • I'm testing for police departments. I've just recently gotten into running. I actually kind of enjoy it.
  • I'm taking on top of a calorie deficit. Thought that was pretty obvious
  • Run. Run. Run. Run. Cardio is thee best fat burner
  • Yes you can. I went from 260 to 214 in about 4 months. The more excess you have the easier. Eat about 2000 calories a day and hit the gym. Cardio is your best friend. I went from barely being able to run 30 seconds to now being able to go 15 minutes.
  • Every Monday morning
  • Are you working out as well as dieting? If so there's a simple explanation. Muscle weighs more than fat. You're losing fat but gaining muscle. That's why you see the loss but not the lbs dropping
  • Just need the right mentality. I was never able to run more than 30 seconds without stopping. I've been running 3 days a week for the last 2 months and just did a mile and a half continuous. You just have to force yourself. Find a goal and stick with it. Mine is to be a police officer. I've shaved 40 pounds this year. Stay…