gregpesot Member


  • sorry... he actually follows the Banting method... similar but not exactly Keto
  • gonna look more into keto... big article in OUTSIDE magazine this month about the founder Noakes... I love low carb and it seems to be the only thing that works for me Just can't see myself not eating and drinking some things??? Pizza? Beer? Bagels?
  • did well this week as I'm trying to go low carb (again) and get back on track with workouts! got up last five mornings at 5:00am and rode my tri bike stuck to daily carb goals and between the two lost four pounds between Monday and Thursday just need to keep it up and this group helps a lot and holds you to your goals!…
  • have to repost... lost four pounds since Monday... usually happens at beginning of low carb with daily exercise so need to adjust start/goal weight... December Goals Present weight: 255.6 Goal weight:250.0 Logging and monitoring daily Exercise five days a week Avoid beer at all costs (worst kind of sugar! Maltose!) No…
  • December Goals Present weight: 259.4 Goal weight:254.0 Logging and monitoring daily Exercise five days a week Avoid beer at all costs (worst kind of sugar! Maltose!) No eating after 7PM unless it's dinner Daily Carb limit (30-35g) Good luck! Looking forward to the challenge!
  • Thanks Cadori!
  • Happy Hump Day! I got up again at 5AM and rode my bike - been good as far as Low Carbs go the last few days and clothes feel a little better..but gotta be in it for long haul! Will there be a December Challenge group?? They're always good motivation! Have a nice rest of the day!
  • I hear ya! Unfortunately as we get older I guess it's not so cut and dry...can't tell you how many times I've heard, "don't worry about the scale, just worry about how you're clothes are fitting" hang in there!
  • not easy but got up at 5am again to ride the bike...stayed up until 11:30 last night to watch the EAGLES lose then the dog gets us up at around 2:30 hacking and then vomiting... and somehow just got up at 5am and did it will probably be asleep by 8:30 tonite! LOL ate well yesterday but that really isn't the problem - it's…
  • Hi Everybody! Need some low-carb support! This looks like the place! My name's Greg... 51 year old happily married father of three boys (19,17,15)... I'm weighing about 255-260 these days and only 7-8 years ago was doing short triathlons and weighing about 205 give or take a few pounds. Of all the diets out there, Atkins…