channingg3649 Member


  • Hi everyone, day 14 for me. Woke up last night and was unable to get back to sleep for a few hours. Only consolation was I didn't binge eat and ruin my diet for today. But I had to skip swimming this morning due to being so tired. Still on track as far as calories go today, and overall I am losing weight. Just wanted to…
  • What is the hardest part of the day for you to stay healthy and why? The afternoons. I am at work and it gets boring, and I want to run out to the convenience store and buy some munchies. No one at work will hold me accountable or care, and it just tastes SO GOOD. How do you stay on track? I haven't been able to stay on…
  • Thank you for the advice. Fortunately I have little in the way of munchies at home due to having IBS and being gluten intolerant, allergic to peanuts and milk. It helps to keep the cupboards and fridge clean! I actually seem to have most troubles at work when I am tempted to stop on the way in at a convenience store, or…
  • I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah. My biggest problem is dealing with my munchies. I am an emotional eater. I am sitting here at work stressing, and wanting something like a gummi bears or something sweet or fattening, or maybe chips. I just like to graze and have something to keep me sated. It's so difficult. I struggle and get…
  • This is day 2 for me. I am trying simple calorie restriction at this point and going back to swimming which I have to ease back into because I am so out of practice. Frustrating. Off to the gym in an hour or two here this a.m. I need to drop 40 pounds to get to normal weight for my BMI.
  • I am starting back up again this week. I'm not up to my highest weight ever thank god, but I have gained weight over the winter and holidays. I'd love to have some accountability for exercise and diet, and feedback. Just turning 50 this coming year -- hope that qualifies me!