AlleriaEating Member


  • I recently moved to the Pacific Northwest and we're looking at our first heatwave of the season at... 80 degrees, but I used to live in a hot climate! Swimming, man. I would just straight up plop into a lake. I also used to go to a zumba class first thing in the morning, before it got hot, so I could scramble home, take a…
  • I think you should prob take the time to figure out why you're binging, tbh. Overeating sometimes is normal - going out to dinner with friends or something - but if you're compulsively binging and you don't feel in control, that might be a deeper problem.
  • Honestly? My biggest concern is.. they're gross. They taste weird and I feel like I'm cheating myself out of tastier calories. I like two eggs scrambled with some veg on a bit of toast, personally. Or a southwest tofu, pepper and kale scramble, or homemade oatmeal with berries and a few almonds and maybe even a drop of…
  • 4 oz of Siggi's brand skyr with a tablespoon of honey. It's about 100 cals, but it's thick, tangy, sweet, satisfying and seriously has more protein than I get in some of my meals. I buy the tub to save money and control my portions a little better, but it's worth the fuss. A snack isn't worth having if I'm still hungry…
  • I usually look for a similar meal from a similar restaurant (veggie omelette, 800 calories? seems legit,) overestimate the count a bit and try to log with precision the rest of the day. Seems to work okay.