explodingmango Member


  • Tuesday: Because I was still sick and it was messing up my system, I decided to stop logging at some point yesterday and let it be a controlled cheat day, just so it wouldn't turn into a true binge later this week. Basically I decided I would let myself eat nearly anything I wanted, as long as I stopped and asked myself…
  • 9/25: Still sick from the snack mistake, and I've realized that it's made even worse because I forgot one of my weekly medications. :# Missing school because I don't want to be away from the bathroom. Had another off day with food yesterday - this particular issue always makes me absurdly hungry. I was so looking forward…
  • Boyfriend and I are replaying Persona 5 - aiming for 100% completion this time - and I've been meaning to start replaying through all of the Kingdom Hearts games so far in anticipation of KH3.
  • One of my biggest binge triggers is fear of wasting food... I discovered this upon realizing that I was eating 3 servings of fries out of the sink just so that they wouldn't end up in the garbage.
  • What works best for me is, I don't religiously stick to the calorie count MFP provides me as a target - rather, the number on my diary is the upper end of a target range (the lower end is 1200 - this also works nicely with MFP because it gives me a warning if I try to mark my day as completed while under that target). If I…
  • Heh. So, remember what I said about how my body "didn't seem to have noticed" the wheat extract? Well, that went right out the window as soon as I had breakfast. You know how you might not notice you have a cut or bruise until after something pokes it? Now imagine that sudden "oh, I'm injured!" shock in all of your…
  • I don't have lack of support, but I do have conflicting health needs with my future husband. See, a lot of "healthy" foods are actually pretty bad for him because he can't process things quite right. Furthermore, he needs to keep high-calorie snack foods around because he needs to maintain at the higher end of a healthy…
  • So much for yesterday. Remember what I said about not really feeling any effect from the snack mistake? Yeah, well, as soon as I had breakfast that went right out the window. You know how sometimes you'll have a cut or bruise and you won't notice it until something touches it wrong? That was basically how my intestines…
  • Saturday update: I climbed up an overhang at the climbing gym last night! That was pretty exciting. My hands are sore as hell, but that's to be expected. My shoulders and elbows are also feeling it - I feel like I got stretched out on one of those medieval torture racks. But gently. By an expert chiropractor or something.…
  • So guys. Remember the blacklight run I mentioned? Well...it's official: my boyfriend is getting in on it too. Which is AMAZING, and going to be a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to December so much right now. Less fun news, I messed up yesterday - found some delicious-looking marshmallow snacks, tried a serving and…
  • Hello again everyone! Yesterday was a pretty okay day - last and busiest day of the school week, so I was too exhausted to get in any workouts besides running around campus, but that still worked out to be pretty significant - especially since I was too tired to even eat; I had to rely on dessert to get me up above the…
  • Speaking as someone who also has clinical mental blocks getting in his way and knows unpleasantly well what it's like, but is currently doing a pretty damned good job staying on top of it: For one, the best piece of general advice I've seen to conquer workout-slacking inertia is, go to the gym for a set amount of time.…
  • Realized today that for going up 4 stories or less, it's now faster, and I consider it more convenient, for me to take the stairs.
  • Lana- all the info is right here: http://www.blacklightrun.com/ My classmate bringing it up was the first time I'd ever heard of it too, and the moment I saw the website I just thought "...yeah, yeah that's gonna be fun, I gotta do it.
  • Sara: Sorry about no trip to Vegas, though I'm glad you're not unhappy. Hope your foot feels better soon! Annie: Awesome job so far!! I know it's hard not to think of it as a competition with your sister, but think of it this way - if you can't help it, fine, think of it as a competition; in that case, you may be behind…
  • All right, new day, feeling pretty good about things. Last night I went climbing for the first time in my adult life, and found a fifth obstacle course race I want to sign up for in the coming months. Pretty sure I've got the workout part of my wedding preparations under control! 9/20 - 214.2 lb 9/21 - 213.6 - feeling…
  • Speaking as someone in the same boat - trying to recover from an eating disorder, while still trying to change my body, while trying to go into a field that can be discriminatory about these things - it's easier to see a therapist and "get away with it" than you think. There are patient privacy laws - even if your…
  • Hello! Wow, if your username is your real name, then we have the same middle name - that's pretty cool, and sounds to me like as good a reason as any to be accountability buddies! How are you doing today?
  • I think I'll get in on this, this time! It's gonna be my first round, but I like the idea. Day/Weight/Comment 9/20 - 214.2 lb 9/21 9/22 9/23 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/29
  • Disclaimer: biology is not my field, but I do have someone who studies sensory reactions in the family and I know how to interpret a scientific paper. I have done research; I'm not pulling this out of nowhere - but I'm not an expert. That said, addiction is a complicated subject. A human being can become addicted to…
  • 1: Exercise is easier if it doesn't feel like exercise. I have a way easier time sticking to a workout regimen if it's a game or sport, or training for a game or sport. It has to be fun. Sure, I have a gym membership, and I go do the usual exercises there, because like I said, training for the stuff I like to do is pretty…
  • Realizing just how much my perception of distance has changed over the past few months. I only have street parking where I live, and sometimes I have to park several blocks away. Tonight was one of those nights. I had that excited-yet-bored feeling where I had plenty of energy, but the idea of taking the time to walk that…
  • Yes and no - I was a little chubby when I was really young, just because I was born on the borderline of premature, so when I was a baby my parents were extra cautious about making sure I ate enough to develop properly; I was a pretty "soft" kid but didn't get actually fat until my age got into the double digits. At first…
  • @anniexgee I'm from California, USA; right around LA. Also, congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • Congratulations on getting the paperwork finished, Lana - and good luck from here! Thanks for the suggestion, everyone; unfortunately I've already talked to doctors about this and really the only thing I can do is try to learn to analyze the things I feel in comparison to objective data and try to figure out a pattern - my…
  • Good evening everyone! Tough news tonight: That Thing is happening. That moment where my body starts throwing a fit like an angry toddler because Ive been in a deficit for longer than it wants, and it starts telling me to eat everything I see because it thinks I obviously need it. Good news: despite that, I resisted the…
  • Hey there! Gay trans guy here, getting married next June, looking to lose about 25-ish kg by then. Always happy to have more accountability buddies - we can do this!
  • I'm in a similar boat to you! I'm an ambivert, really, and have some pretty bad social anxiety, but you know, getting out here and meeting people to talk to and check in with has made this latest start go a lot better. So, good job taking this step - and I'll be happy to add you!
  • I'm trying to get in the habit of going to the gym at 5-6 days per week. Start with some movement drills, then go to weights, then get on the treadmill or something like that and see how far I can go in 45 minutes. I also plan on signing up for a membership at the climbing gym near me either later this week or next week.…
  • "One day at a time" is pretty liberating when you have any kind of issue that's cyclical like mine. Committing to permanent change is hard, especially when you've been trained to think that one slip-up feels like all is lost. Committing to trying to stay in balance the best I can for a day? Infinitely easier. "I've…