obinnorie Member


  • Slow Cookers are a god-send. you can usually find them at your local Goodwill/Savers for fairly cheap. I found my 4-qt one for about 6$ at Goodwill. There are tons of 2-3 ingredient recipes that you can find via google for crockpots, but you just have to be mindful of sodium & sugars in any sauces/stocks that you use.…
  • Hmm, are you just feeding yourself or are you feeding a few people/any children? The only person I feed is myself and I don't find it hard really to do cheap healthy meals, they just tend to get boring very fast. You should pick out your proteins first, find something you can make a lot of (whether it be lentils, chicken,…
  • Hullo! I am 28 from Chicago, feel free to add me! I am looking to lose at least 40lbs. Would love to have more friends with weight loss goals!