Same here. Im a night time snacker but If I workout for 30mins at around 6pm(when my 7 month old goes to bed) I can eat my dinner at 7pm and be fine for the night. I usually have flavoued rice cakes as a snack at night if I need to (50cals for a cheese flavoured rice cake is fine for me so I save 100 calories for two)
to be honest, just calories and try to not go too over my sodium goal. Im still needing to lose alot of weight (like 60lbs) so Im just focusing on calories right now, so I dont get too confused!
mainly the forums. Its good to learn new things and see how others are doing or what workouts people are trying. The thing I love about the app though is the barcode scanner. Saves alot of searching :)
same for me. I now eat between 12-8pm and am fine with that. If I eat breakfast I am stomach rumbling hungry by 11am and will want to eat all day, postponing my first meal really helped me stay on track calorie wise x
feel free to add me, im in the south west (wiltshire)
Iv signed up (back when at xmas they had a offer for lifetime membership for £10 (uk) which was amazing. There are loads of workouts on their site with 3 plans to follow (three 6 week plans based on your fitness levels with links to the videos) Im trying to get back into using the site 6 months after having a 3rd baby. Im…