SophieRosieMom Member


  • Popping in again. My northern Indiana dad would say "you'uns". I don't recall anyone else in my family or the area using that term. :D Around here in my area of the Pacific Northwest, we say "puh-CAHNS." Debbie - I meant to comment earlier on that intern performing your pelvic exam. Sometimes the nurses or doc would ask if…
  • Annie - Dr. Lisa gives older folks who shouldn't be driving reflex tests. My friend T's FIL goes to Dr. Lisa, and T was with him when he failed the tests. She said Dr. Lisa was kind but firm about stopping driving, and he didn't argue (like he did when his kids tried to pressure him) although he was cranky about it for a…
  • MFP Weekly Check-in April 15, 2024 Debbie in Napa Valley, CA 153.4 this morning- Up a pound from last week(after going down 2 pounds) Tracked all week and did extra steps. Will keep it up and hopefully it will be down next week. I won't be home next weekend to check in- weekend at mom's to finally get her greenhouse…
  • Rita - beautiful photos of the park where you're staying. That water looks very inviting - sounds like summer is kicking off early. Yikes! These days I complain if it hits 70. Hope you are feeling better these days now that you've gotten meds readjusted. Wow that park ranger took a LONG 30 minutes. Hope your visit to the…
  • Michele - when will you be finished with the prednisone? Was this a week's worth, diminishing dose every day? It always made me feel spacey, wondering if it contributed to your day of depression. That's not like you, you are such a go-getter. Glad you're feeling better. Anyways, hope it helped your sciatica. Lisa - your…
  • Michele - sorry to hear about that bumper, glad it's getting fixed. Good you weren't injured, but what a shock. I noticed yesterday when I was in town in later morning, drivers seem to have lost their marbles. Making left turns in front of me, not checking before backing out of spaces in the shopping center - I nearly got…
  • Its been a busy day! Barbie - have you recorded the Community Property Agreement yet? Once that's done, I don't think there's any hurry to grab the wills. My DH's will was void after he died as the Agreement took precedence and everything passed directly to me. As far as the other legal documents, I think photocopies are…
  • Topic for today is the Soleus Pushup (SPU). :p Have you heard that it's good to walk for 10 minutes or more after every meal? Helps metabolism and burns calories, right? Check out what I ran across this morning: the calf muscle - soleus - actually snatches glucose directly from our bloodstream and helps stabilize blood…
  • Rita and Lisa - Brownie and Egg doing and/or helping with your yoga brought back fond memories of my Sophie - she would also do the downward dog with me. Thanks for mentioning!! Allie - good news on the baby front. Love seeing what sMiles is up to these days. Can't believe how fast he's growing. So many nice activities at…
  • Michele - how are you doing today after your tumble? Hope you were able to get in to see your doctor - I wonder if your sciatica is related to the calluses on your foot? Meaning your gait being off a bit. Beth - glad your mom is doing better today. I hope Thursday's meeting gives some good direction regarding your mom's…
  • MFP Weekly Check-in April 8, 2024 Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - Stats for this week- down 2lbs this week. 5 days of exercise. At least 10,000 steps those days but 15,000 and 18,000 a couple of them. I did track my food the beginning of the week. Need to get back to tracking every day Sue in WA - Interesting side effects of…
  • Anyone remember this? "You flew your Learjet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun." Carly Simon :p Lanette
  • Carol - so sorry to hear about your brother, my sympathy to the family. All three of us kids in my family are still alive and relatively healthy - these days, at our age, we aren't promised tomorrow. I'm crossing fingers I'll be able to see both my sis and brother and their spouses this summer, it's been quite a few years…
  • Terri - simply gorgeous water color. <3 Barbara - yes the bathroom faucet shut-offs are easy to get to (though kind of a stretch involving getting down on the floor) once I pull out the cleaning supplies and various shampoos stored under that sink. :D Barbie - my sis did say they were going to get a hotel room, and I…
  • Lisa - good for you getting the brick work done. :) I bet it looks just fine. Sounds like Corey was in high gear throwing things in the dumpster - spring cleaning at its finest. Crossing fingers the Skyrizi does the trick - I was happy to hear the VA finally got all the ducks lined up for you. Did they ever send you that…
  • Lisa - that peacock clock is so cute and Corey picked the perfect spot for it. What a nifty idea painting a clockface like that. Rita - very happy to hear many of your medical problems are clearing up, a shame your renal doc can't be your primary care physician. :p Heather - I was struck by the great choice of colors in…
  • Rosemarie - good to hear from you, I was getting a little concerned. Hope they can get you scheduled for the CT scan ASAP. Glad your breathing is better. Barbie - very nice shirts and very nice photo. :) Pip - why was there a limit as to how many could attend the service? Was it a teeny room? I'm trying to envision the…
  • Machka - your new house sounds wonderful. :p Hope it all goes smoothly and you'll be settled in soon. Can't wait to see photos - the view is gorgeous. Sue - hoping your tenant is out ASAP, and she moves far, far away. Sounds like she has severe mental problems. And it's awful that her behavior is affecting your health. She…
  • Machka- for what it's worth, I've been following Dr. David Hanscom for quite a while. He's a spinal surgeon in Seattle who discovered most folks can effectively treat back pain effectively without surgery. Some of his ideas on healing include writing down thoughts every day then ripping them up. Expressive writing. Bad…
  • Anna in Michigan - Good job standing firm! For me, measurements are a better indicator than that fickle scale that for me just tracks bathroom habits. :p After years of stepping on Weight Watcher's scale, it was hard to give up. So I established a 5# range and no longer get focused on the daily ups and downs. Seems like…
  • MFP Weekly Check-in April 1, 2024 Ava – weigh in 3.29.24 - This hasn’t been the stellar week for counting calories or getting my 80 oz water daily. But I have been consistently moving. 8000+ steps, Friday weight in 160.9. A loss of .8 lbs. Debbie in Napa Valley, CA - no walking the wetlands this week because I had…
  • Happy April 1st! Debbie - I would have loved to jump in the teleporter and head down your way for that delicious meal. I would have grabbed a few of us on the way and we would have cleaned it right up, nothing left for your DH even if he would have wanted anything. :p Question that's none of my business, please don't feel…
  • Barbie - thank you for keeping us going. April already! Margaret - thank you for sharing about your husband's funeral and your son's mental illness. Lots of good food for thought there. I admire your wisdom and strength. Lisa - just think, in a few days that ultrasound will be over and you'll be back home safe and sound…
  • Reminder to those of you ladies who have something for the Weekly Check-in, please send it to me by noon tomorrow. Thanks! Lanette B) Sunny SW WA State
  • Annie - so very sorry to hear of the sudden complications with your dad. Thankful he can still get around but worrisome for you. Good to hear you have a reunion planned later in the year, crossing fingers the stars line up and you can make it. You deserve it. <3 Hope you can catch up on sleep today. Heather - glad to hear…
  • April- Sorry to hear about your son's setbacks, sounds like the docs and hospital are on top of it. Praying for his continued recovery. And hope your dad is responding well to his antibiotics. Regarding shin splints - the ortho doc I went to a few weeks ago said calf raises help deter shin splints, perhaps they are part of…
  • Barbara - Bikman et al - Your blood values are outstanding - I'm guessing with a FBS of 83, your doc feels no need to run an A1C. Dr. Lisa only started adding them to my labs at my request several years ago. Windows 11 - Lanette B) SW WA State
  • Ava- Got it, thank you! Lanette