Abe_Forward Member


  • I started my own OMAD journey on 25 December. I'd bought some vegetables for a stir-fry in advance & made a reasonably healthy meal. I get hungry at night before bedtime. Water does nothing for me, so I'm just having to plow through it. I hope the hunger pangs in the evening eventually go away. I want to do Joe's strict…
  • Hi, and thanks, DebSozo & crunchy_bob. Looking forward to doing this together. Happy (early) 2017 to you both.
  • Hi, I'm Abe. I found one of Joe's OMAD videos on YouTube after nearly a decade of failure with intermittent fasting. I was a large kid, and the social alienation of youth followed me squarely through to adulthood. Today is Christmas and it's the sixteenth holiday I've spent alone watching movies, reading short stories, and…
  • This was encouraging to me as I like sour tastes--lemon, vinegar. I can do 2 tbsp ACV in any volume of water. My only concern would be the effect of even low concentrations of acid (in large volume of water, prolonged) on tooth enamel. I'll therefore go with shots, then rinsing out my mouth. Thanks, Joe.
  • Committing to this today. I've failed at everything else, including personal trainers & dieticians. I need as much support & accountability as I can get. I'm confident this is my last effort. Thank you for building the community.