TigerLily100 Member


  • I think most people will probably be able to relate to this. I gained a lot of weight when I got divorced, classic comfort eating. One thing I would say is give yourself a break, and don't put pressure on yourself to continue a diet if you don't feel up to it. There is always tomorrow. At the same time, look after yourself…
  • Wow you think 17lb in a month is slow....... I am 45 and aim for 4-5lb loss per month - I want it to be a healthy loss, sustainable long term and to get fitter and stronger as I do this. By the time I am done, I will have developed good eating habits, be much more active as person and with these 2 things having become…
  • When I have had a good run and achieved something, I treat myself. So recently it's been to new items of clothing as most of my old stuff is now too big - and I had a massive clear out and binned it all so I don't have the choice to put the weight on again :) It's a better choice than a takeaway or cake, which if I am…
  • I aim for a defecit of 3500kcal a week, so my days vary depending on hunger or whether I am going out. Some weeks I don't do so well and the defecit is less, but as long as it's a defecit I am happy. It took me years to get to my heaviest and as long as I am heading in the right direction I am not too fussed about slow…
  • I use USN diet fuel, made up with water, or sometimes soya milk. I find it really filling and as it's got a decent amount of protein in it, it keeps the hunger away until the next meal. Not sure where in the world you are, but Holland and Barrett often have them in the buy one get one for a penny sale making them really…
  • I am a 5'2" woman who is currently 11 stone 12 lb and I eat and lose weight at 1400kcal a day, and have a desk job. So that sounds awfully low to me, I think you will find yourself very hungry all the time. What does MFP suggest when you input all your details into the calculator? Also as someone else mentions, you will…
  • Thanks for all the replies folks. In a better place this week, the damage isn't too bad as I only gained back 0.5lb. I know many mentioned professional help etc. for my daughter, this is already in place and is slowly making a difference. We also have a joint gym membership........works great when she turns up as I think…
  • I say "fit not fat" to myself in the gym all the time when the going gets tough. On the gym wall it says: When you're thinking of quitting, remember what got you started - I have lost count how many times I have looked at it and will continue to as I think hell yeah every time I do.
  • I'm in the UK and gave this a go this week for the first time. My fast days were also Tuesday and Thursday as that's what suits my activities. I was fine on Tuesday and got through the day fine, found it very easy BUT I was at home all day alone. On Thursday I was at work and found it incredibly hard with everyone eating…
  • Well I will let you know if I ever loose the 40lb and get all toned if I can look at myself in the mirror. My stupid brain will probably see the pits and not the great improvement in my body :( These pits are bothering me more than the 40lb of excess fat I am carrying and that's messed up.
  • I don't know the scientific answer but I personally always have one if i've really gone for it on the weights, usually about half hour after once I get home. My logic is a heavy session means my muscles need protein to repair and as I don't eat meat, it gives me a boost to what I get in my diet.
  • I split mine between work and after work (800/600). I always have to keep a reasonable sum for dinner at 7pm otherwise I don't make it through the night and wake up hungry which isn't good as that's when the fridge raids happen
  • Thanks, it's a relatively new issue so I know my skin will spring back in time. I just want to help it on its way. Summer is coming and I am really paranoid about it, I think in my head it's a way bigger problem than it probably is.
  • Yes I can and do. Perhaps I judge myself because it really bothers me. I am on this journey because I am unhappy about my body......partucuarly the saggy armpits!
  • The leg situation is really weird, it's really noticible. I'm am thinking of hopping on the bad leg for the rest of the month lol ;) Strangly enough, the right armpit is way worse than the left....so I am in a roundabouts way kinda balanced :) Thanks for the link, will take a look.
  • God I hope so, imagine being all toned with saggy pits hanging down.....lol Edited to add: I think you're right about flabby skin with a good layer of subcutaenous fat that used to cover more fat - this has only appeared since loosing weight. So the slack in skin is due to fat loss........runs off to eat some pies ;)
  • I am eating at a calorie defecit and loosing weight already, so no doubt my body will get to this fat eventually. I know you can't train the armpit, but you can train the muscles surrounding the area which can improve appearance whilst I continue this long journey of loosing the fat. Where my arms are concerned, I've lost…
  • Thanks for all the replies and the links. Has given me plenty of ideas and what I need to think about :)
  • I replaced bread with dutch crisp bakes and I think the ones I buy are about 37kcal each, I just put a low fat spread on them, you can stick whatever you would normally put in a sandwich on them. Also like Danish bread as it's usually about half the calories of normal bread. Thins too, good for a sandwich and about the…
  • Thanks all, I just returned to the post today and only seen many of the replies. Lots to think about. Well I bought an indoor exercise bike, the logic being I can listen to rock music which I love and really give it a burst on energy and I can do it at home and hop on even if I only have a spare 15 mins. I have a real bike…
  • Thanks all. Justinian - you're right I need to find something I actually like. Angelaypolite - absolutely right, I need to just do it, and you hit the nail on the head about tomorrow. It's always tomorrow, and tomorrow arrives and I say tomorrow.... :( Kshama2001 - I already walk a lot as I have 3 dogs, I can walk for…
  • I generally don't do breakfast, meaning I naturally fall into the 16:8 intermittent fasting as I eat first at 11am and don't eat after 7pm. The moment I decided to do it officially, I started being hungry on a morning. Just shows eating is so much in the mind. So now I am not doing it......but am doing it without my…
  • Balance it through the week. Sometimes I am a little under but the following day I am a little over. Your body doesn't work on a clock. Just try to make sure you are consistently getting 1200kcal a day on average, but I do try to keep it as close as I can to the 1200 a day.
  • You loose quite a bit of water weight initially and your digestive system has less food in it, so it's normal and common to see a larger drop in the first couple of weeks. This will taper off now as your body starts to loose actual fat only, you'll probably loose 1 1/2 to 2lb a week going forwards if you stick to your…
  • I re started 27th December. A year and half or so ago I lost half the weight I wanted to loose, but put it all back on and some :( I think I am better prepared this time around, both mentally and physically. I am hoping to avoid previous pitfalls by being brutally honest with myself ie. I was greedy! I'm also doing this…
  • I thought I was well organised, but hat off to you :)
  • There is probably an awful lot of people back on here for the exact same reasons, I know I am. It can be hard living with someone else, unless of course they too want to loose weight and get fitter. Even if your partner doesn't (and you don't say if they do or don't), you can still make some small changes that will make a…
  • I have 45lb to loose. Just joined again about a week ago as I can't remember my old login, so feel free to add me :)
  • Going to be my year too !! At 45 years of age and 50% over the middle of a healthy weight range, I feel I really have to do this before it gets harder with age. I don't just want to loose the fat, I want to get fit and look good. Good luck, you have set yourself a realistic goal..........go get it :)
  • I have struggled with binge eating, especially chocolate! So will follow with interest as it's a bad habit I need to break, if I. don't want to later regain what I loose this time around.