kpl2013 Member


  • Hello everyone! I’m 25, work from home single mother. My social life was lacking before quarantine & now it’s pretty much non existent. I was about 180# before my daughter & over the years & the emotional eating, the lbs just kept packing on - note sitting at about 270#. Looking for folks to encourage & be encouraging. The…
  • I agree - I feel like before bed is the only time I have to focus on myself. But then I feel like I’m missing sleep or time with my kid if I do it then. Plus I feel like it pumps me up & makes unit harder to fall asleep. The best luck I’ve had is with just getting up every couple hrs @ work and either walking around or…
  • I'm new to group, not new to MFP. Single mom of a 5yo. Gained about 100lbs over the years after having my daughter. Ready to love my body again.